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NHRC on Idate Commission Report

Why is it in the news?

  • The National Human Rights Commission emphasizes the necessity of implementing the Idate Commission

About Idate Commission (National Commission for Denotified Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes)

  • Constituted in 2014 under Bhiku Ramji Idate.
  • Mandated to address the issues of Denotified Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes (DNTs).

Major Recommendations of Idate Commission

  • Advocate for establishing a permanent commission for DNTs, SNTs, and NTs with statutory status.
  • Recommend the creation of a separate department for their welfare in states with significant populations.
  • Suggest conducting a detailed survey of DNT families to estimate population and concentration.
  • Emphasize the need for legal and Constitutional protection, including a third schedule in the Prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989.
  • Propose that DNTs not included in SCs/STs/OBCs lists should be listed as OBCs.
About DNTs

·       These are the Communities labelled as criminals under the Criminal Tribes Act 1871 by the British.

·       The Act aimed at preventing future engagement in criminal activities.

·       It has forced alienation from traditional occupations and habitations.

·       Later, the Act was repealed in 1952, declaring them as DNTs.

Challenges Faced by DNTs:

·       No Central recognition or separate group status (like SC/STs) under the Constitution.

·       Outside the purview of government welfare initiatives.

·       Lack of education and basic infrastructure facilities such as drinking water, shelter, healthcare.

Welfare Initiatives:

·       Development and Welfare Board for DNTs established in 2019 for 3 years (extendable to 5 years).

·       Scheme for Economic Empowerment of DNTs (SEED) focusing on education, health insurance, livelihoods, and housing.

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