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First International Treaty on AI Governance: The Framework Convention by the Council of Europe


The Council of Europe (COE) recently announced the world’s first legally binding international treaty on Artificial Intelligence (AI), signaling a landmark moment in the global governance of AI technologies. This treaty will be open for signing by participating nations, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and members of the European Union, setting the stage for a new era of responsible AI use.

Council of Europe (COE)

Founded in 1949 and headquartered in Strasbourg, France, the Council of Europe is an international organization separate from the European Union. With 46 member states, the COE’s mission is to promote democracy, uphold human rights, and enforce the rule of law across its member nations. This foundational purpose makes it a fitting body to spearhead the effort to create ethical guidelines and enforceable standards in the realm of AI, a field poised to reshape societies globally.

The AI Convention: An Overview

Titled “The Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law,” the treaty is designed to regulate AI in a way that prioritizes the protection of human rights. Unlike the EU AI Act, which governs AI within the European Union, this treaty will operate independently and involves a broader set of nations. After years of deliberation among 57 countries, the convention was adopted in May 2024 and represents a strategic move to mitigate the risks associated with AI while encouraging responsible innovation.

Key Principles of the AI Convention

  1. Human-Centric AI: At its core, the treaty mandates that AI systems must align with human rights principles. This ensures AI technologies not only serve functional purposes but also uphold the values of democracy and ethical governance. AI systems are required to operate in a manner that respects human dignity, promotes equality, and maintains fairness in interactions with individuals.
  2. Transparency and Accountability: To enhance trust in AI, the treaty calls for transparency in how AI systems operate, particularly those that interact with people. Governments must ensure legal mechanisms are in place to address any violations of human rights by AI technologies, making sure those affected can seek justice.
  3. Risk Management and Oversight: The treaty includes provisions for robust frameworks to assess and manage AI risks. It establishes oversight mechanisms to monitor AI systems and ensure adherence to safety, ethical standards, and accountability protocols.
  4. Protection Against AI Misuse: One of the most pressing concerns with AI is its potential misuse to undermine democratic processes. The treaty provides safeguards to prevent AI from compromising judicial independence and ensures public access to justice, even in the face of advanced technologies.

Enforcement and International Cooperation

The AI Convention includes several enforcement mechanisms that hold signatory nations accountable:

  • Legal Accountability: Countries that sign the treaty must implement laws and regulations ensuring that AI systems align with the treaty’s human rights principles.
  • Monitoring Compliance: Oversight bodies will be established to ensure that countries adhere to the standards set forth in the treaty.
  • Global Collaboration: The treaty encourages nations to work together, sharing best practices, harmonizing AI standards, and tackling global AI-related issues.
  • Adaptability: The treaty is designed to evolve alongside advancements in AI technologies, making it flexible and future-proof as the technology continues to progress.

Exceptions and National Security Concerns

The treaty does make an exception for AI systems used in national security or defense. However, it emphasizes that even in these cases, AI activities must respect international laws and democratic principles. This balance between AI governance and national security interests is one of the most challenging aspects of the treaty.

Significance of the AI Convention

  1. Comprehensive Drafting: The treaty takes a risk-based approach to AI regulation, focusing on the entire lifecycle of AI systems—from design and development to deployment and decommissioning. This comprehensive approach ensures that AI is governed responsibly at every stage.
  2. Broad Applicability:  The treaty applies to both public and private sector AI systems, and its enforcement extends across diverse geographical regions, making it a truly global initiative.
  3. Global Legal Standard: As the first internationally binding treaty on AI, the Framework Convention sets a precedent for future AI governance. It establishes a legal standard endorsed by nations across different continents and creates a shared vision for AI’s role in society.
  4. Balancing Innovation and Risk: The treaty promotes responsible AI use, seeking to harness its benefits while minimizing associated risks. By aligning AI development with human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, the treaty ensures that technological advancement does not come at the cost of ethical principles.

Challenges and Concerns

While the AI Convention represents a groundbreaking step in AI governance, it also faces several challenges:

  • Enforcement Issues: Although the treaty is legally binding, some experts are concerned that its lack of punitive sanctions, such as fines or penalties, may weaken its effectiveness in holding violators accountable.
  • Reliance on Monitoring: Compliance is primarily ensured through monitoring mechanisms, which may not be stringent enough to enforce the treaty’s provisions effectively.
  • Balancing Regulation with Innovation: Overregulation could stifle innovation, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups. Striking a balance between strict governance and fostering technological growth is a critical concern.
  • National Sovereignty Conflicts: The convention may clash with national laws, creating tensions between global AI standards and individual countries’ sovereignty.
  • National Security Concerns: Ensuring that AI governance does not compromise national security, while maintaining ethical AI practices, is a delicate balancing act that the convention must navigate.


The Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law is a monumental step towards responsible AI governance. By addressing the complex interplay between AI, human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, the treaty fills a critical gap in existing regulatory frameworks. Its comprehensive scope and inclusion of national security provisions set a global benchmark for AI governance, fostering international cooperation and establishing standards that could influence future AI legislation worldwide.

As AI continues to evolve, this treaty stands as a crucial foundation for ensuring that technological advancement aligns with human rights, democratic values, and the rule of law, guiding the global community towards a more ethical and responsible AI future.


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