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The Role of E-fuels in Decarbonising Transport

Why is it in the news?

  • The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently released a comprehensive report titled “The Role of E-fuels in Decarbonising Transport,” exploring the potential and challenges associated with using e-fuels to reduce carbon emissions in the transport sector.

Key Findings of the Report

  • Emphasizes the potential for significant reductions in fossil fuel demand through fuel efficiency improvements and the growing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs).
  • Highlights the pivotal role of e-fuels, derived from electrolytic hydrogen, in achieving deep decarbonization by 2030.
  • Recognizes the limitations of electrification in sectors like aviation and shipping, where e-fuels with a near-zero carbon footprint become essential.
  • Acknowledges the current high cost of e-fuels but foresees substantial cost reductions with advancements in technology and economies of scale.
  • Points out that e-fuels can be readily used in existing infrastructure and engines, eliminating the need for extensive upgrades required by electrification in certain sectors.
  • Stresses the importance of sustainable management of resources such as renewable energy, water, and captured CO2, which are crucial for large-scale production of e-fuels.
  • Urges governments to implement supportive policies, including carbon pricing and research and development funding, to create a conducive environment for the production and adoption of e-fuels.

About E-fuels

  • E-fuels, also known as electrofuels or synthetic fuels, are low-emission liquid or gaseous fuels produced from renewable energy sources like solar or wind power, water, and captured carbon dioxide.
  • Examples includes eGasoline, eDiesel, eHeating oil, eKerosene, e-methane, e-kerosene, and e-methanol.
  • Offer near-zero greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels.
  • Versatile and can replace conventional fuels in existing engines and infrastructure.
  • Particularly beneficial for sectors like aviation and shipping where battery technology has limitations.

 E-fuel Production

  • Hydrogen Extraction: Involves an electrolysis process breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is then combined with CO2 through processes like Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to produce e-fuels.


  • eFuels can replace conventional fuels after processing in refineries;
  • Drop-in capability allows blending with conventional fuels in any ratio.


  • E-fuels are currently more expensive to produce than fossil fuels.
  • Expectations of significant cost reduction by 2030 as production scales up and technology advances.
  • Limited by the availability of renewable energy and infrastructure for water and CO2 capture.
  • Increased reliance on e-fuels may shift dependence from oil-producing countries to those with abundant renewable resources.

 Measures to Unleash Potential

  • Policy support through carbon pricing mechanisms, tax breaks, and subsidies.
  • Emphasis on technological advancements and economies of scale.
  • Expansion of renewable energy capacity for clean electricity needed in e-fuel production.
  • Sustainable water management and infrastructure for capturing and utilizing CO2.
  • Public procurement mandates, corporate commitments, and ambitious targets can drive market demand.
  • E-fuels need to meet internationally agreed standards for measuring life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions.

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