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S.R. Bommai Judgement (1994) of SC completes 30 years

Why is it in the news?

  • R. Bommai judgement, rendered by a nine-judge bench of the Supreme Court in 1994, marks its 30th anniversary.
Background of the Case

·       Originated from the recommendation of Karnataka’s Governor in 1989 to impose President’s Rule after the withdrawal of support by 19 MLAs.

·       The case also encompassed similar situations in several other states including Meghalaya, Nagaland, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Himachal Pradesh.


Key Highlights of the Judgement

  • The S.R. Bommai judgement defined the scope of Article 356 of the Constitution, which pertains to the imposition of President’s Rule.
  • It established restrictions on the use of Article 356, stating that President’s Rule can only be imposed on a state in the event of the failure of the constitutional machinery.
  • Proclamation for President’s Rule must receive approval from both houses of Parliament within two months; otherwise, it lapses.
  • Additionally, the continuation of President’s Rule requires approval every six months to remain in force.
  • The President’s power to dismiss a state government is subject to judicial review for illegality, malafide, abuse of power, or fraud.
  • Overruled the judgement of State of Rajasthan vs Union of India (1977), emphasizing limitations on presidential discretion.
  • Dissolution of the state legislative assembly can only occur after parliamentary approval; until then, the assembly can be suspended.
  • Failure to obtain parliamentary approval within two months leads to automatic reinstatement of the suspended government.

Significance of the Judgement

  • Restricts the arbitrary exercise of power by Governors, ensuring they act within constitutional bounds and do not misuse their authority.
  • Reinforces the principles of federalism by delineating clear boundaries in centre-state relations, preserving the autonomy of states within the Indian Union.
  • Affirms the importance of the legislative assembly as the ultimate test of a government’s majority, safeguarding democratic principles and the will of the people.

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