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India’s Healthcare Sector: A Global Leader in Transformation


India has emerged as a global leader in healthcare, recognized for its world-class medical services and significant strides in the sector. This transformation not only highlights the country’s medical prowess but also underscores its economic resilience. The health sector’s evolution into a global hub for medical tourism is a testament to these achievements. However, this journey has been driven by a series of strategic initiatives, investments, and policy shifts that reflect India’s commitment to providing quality healthcare for all.

Recent Trends in India’s Healthcare Sector

Government Health Expenditure: 

  • The Economic Survey 2023-2024 provides a detailed overview of India’s health sector, with a particular focus on government health expenditure (GHE).
  • According to the latest National Health Accounts (NHA) estimates, there has been a notable increase in GHE’s share in the total GDP and its contribution to overall health expenditure.
  • The share of primary healthcare expenditure rose from 51.3% of GHE in FY15 to 55.9% in FY20. Additionally, the combined share of primary and secondary care in GHE grew from 73.2% in FY15 to 85.5% in FY20. This trend indicates a strengthened focus on primary healthcare, which is crucial for early intervention and preventive care.

Shift in Private Health Expenditure: 

  • Interestingly, while government investment in primary and secondary care has increased, the private sector has seen a decline in its share of spending in these areas, dropping from 83% to 73.7%.
  • This shift is largely attributed to the rising burden of tertiary care and greater utilization of government healthcare facilities.
  • This marks a positive trend toward reducing the reliance on private services and bolstering public healthcare infrastructure.

Social Security Expenditure on Health: 

  • Another significant trend highlighted in the Economic Survey is the rise in social security expenditure on health, which grew from 5.7% in FY15 to 9.3% in FY20.
  • This increase reflects the government’s efforts to enhance healthcare access and provide financial protection to its citizens, particularly those in vulnerable populations.

 India as a Global Medical Hub

  • India’s healthcare sector has evolved into a hub for medical tourism, attracting patients from over 147 countries.
  • The cost advantage is a key driver, with surgeries in India costing approximately one-tenth of what they would in the US or Western Europe.This affordability, coupled with high-quality care, has positioned India as a preferred destination for a wide range of treatments, from complex cardiac surgeries to advanced oncology.
  • The shift from India being a source of outbound medical tourism to becoming a top destination has had significant economic implications.
  • Until the 1980s, many Indians sought medical treatment abroad, but today, the country saves billions in foreign exchange as more Indians opt for treatment domestically.Moreover, international patients contribute over $9 billion annually to the economy, supporting sectors such as hospitality, transportation, and pharmaceuticals.

Healthcare Indicators and Improvements

Infant and Maternal Mortality: 

  • India has made substantial progress in improving health outcomes, particularly in reducing the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR).
  • The IMR has dropped from 39 per 1,000 live births in 2013 to 28 per 1,000 in 2020, while the MMR has decreased from 167 per lakh live births in 2014 to 97 per lakh in 2020.
  • These improvements are the result of enhanced maternal care, safe delivery practices, and increased access to healthcare services.

Healthcare Infrastructure and Human Resources: 

  • Despite these gains, challenges remain. India’s healthcare system is diverse, with varying levels of development across states. While urban areas often boast state-of-the-art facilities, rural regions continue to struggle with access to basic healthcare.Furthermore, the country faces a shortage of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and paramedics, which impacts service delivery.

Key Challenges and Initiatives

Violence Against Healthcare Workers (VAHCW): 

  • A significant issue plaguing the healthcare sector is violence against healthcare workers.
  • Reports indicate a worrying increase in such incidents, particularly in public healthcare facilities.
  • Younger and female professionals are disproportionately affected.
  • The healthcare community has called for more robust laws to deter violence, but as of 2020, only 19 states had implemented their own statutes, each with varying provisions.

Health Inflation and Expenditure: 

  • The healthcare sector is also grappling with high medical inflation, currently at 15%, which far outpaces the overall inflation rate of 6-7%.
  • Health expenditure accounts for 5% of India’s private final consumption expenditure, highlighting the need for more affordable healthcare solutions.

Significant Government Initiatives: 

  • The government has launched several initiatives to address these challenges and improve healthcare delivery. The Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) aims to create a national digital health ecosystem, promoting efficiency, accessibility, and inclusivity.
  • The CoWIN app played a crucial role during the pandemic by facilitating vaccine registration and tracking, while Aarogya Setu has evolved into a comprehensive national health app.
  • Telemedicine platforms like e-Sanjeevani and e-Hospital have revolutionized healthcare delivery, enabling remote consultations and reducing the need for physical visits.
  • The PM Jan Aushadhi Kendras and AMRIT schemes have improved access to affordable medicines and medical devices.
  • Moreover, the Union Health Ministry’s budget for 2024-2025 saw a 12.9% increase, underscoring the government’s commitment to strengthening the healthcare sector.

The Path Forward: Room for Growth

  • India’s aspiration to become a global healthcare leader requires continued innovation, equitable access to quality healthcare, and a focus on the well-being of every citizen.
  • NITI Aayog emphasizes affordable healthcare as a national priority, with a strong emphasis on leveraging technology to reduce costs and improve access for all.
  • While India has made significant strides, there is still room for improvement, particularly in enhancing healthcare offerings compared to neighboring countries.
  • However, the trajectory is promising, and with sustained efforts, India is well on its way to solidifying its position as a global healthcare leader.


India’s healthcare sector has undergone a profound transformation, emerging as a beacon of medical excellence and economic resilience. By continuing to invest in healthcare infrastructure, expanding access to quality care, and addressing key challenges, India can further enhance its status as a global healthcare hub and ensure a healthier future for its citizens.


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