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EU Sanctions Indian Tech Firm Si2 Microsystems for Dual-Use Items

Why is it in the news?

  • Si2 Microsystems, an Indian tech firm, faced sanctions from the European Union (EU) due to alleged connections with Russia concerning dual-use items.
  • Previously, the United States also banned Si2 Microsystems from transferring “dual-use” technology.

About Dual-Use Items

  • Dual-use items refer to products and technology that can serve both civilian and military purposes.
  • Governments regulate the export, transfer, and use of dual-use items to prevent their potential misuse in activities such as weapons development, terrorism, or other illicit purposes.
  • Examples include global positioning satellites, missiles, nuclear technology, chemical and biological tools, night vision technology, thermal imaging equipment, certain models of drones, and specific industrial components like aluminium pipes and ball bearings.

Global Control Mechanisms for Dual-Use Items

Control MechanismEstablishment YearNumber of Member CountriesKey ObjectivesIndia’s Status
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)198735·       Established by the Group of Seven (G7) countries.

·       Aims to prevent the proliferation of missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of carrying weapons of mass destruction.

35th Member since 2016
Wassenaar Arrangement199642·       Formed near The Hague, Netherlands.

·       Focuses on regulating the export of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies to prevent their misuse.

Not a member
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)197448·       Formed in response to India’s nuclear tests.

·       Works to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons by framing and implementing rules for exporting nuclear equipment.

Not a member

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