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E-SAKSHI Mobile Application

Why is it in the news?

  • The E-SAKSHI Mobile Application has been launched by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), reflecting the government’s commitment to leveraging technology for efficient implementation of developmental schemes.

More about the news

  • The primary objective of the E-SAKSHI mobile app is to capture the entire MPLADS (Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme) fund allocation cycle.
  • It is designed to provide greater convenience and accessibility for monitoring the MPLAD Scheme, ensuring transparency and effective utilization of allocated funds.
  • The application incorporates budget management features to monitor expenditures by Members of Parliament (MPs). This feature allows MPs to efficiently track the financial aspects of the projects they propose and oversee.
  • The E-SAKSHI Mobile Application operates on both web portal and mobile platforms. This dual functionality enhances the accessibility of the application, making it convenient for MPs to engage with the system on various devices.
  • The launch of E-SAKSHI is expected to bring forth a myriad of benefits, revolutionizing the way MPs engage with and manage development projects in their constituencies.
  • The application offers unprecedented convenience and accessibility, allowing MPs to propose, track, and oversee projects at their fingertips.
  • Real-time access enhances decision-making processes, enabling swift responses to emerging needs or issues.
  • The application streamlines communication between MPs and relevant authorities, facilitating a more efficient exchange of information.
  • Importantly, it promotes transparency by providing MPs with instant updates on the status and progress of their proposed projects.


About MPLAD Scheme

  • The Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLAD Scheme) was introduced in 1993, reflecting the government’s commitment to empowering Members of Parliament to contribute directly to the development of their constituencies.
  • MPLADS operates as a central sector scheme, emphasizing the centrality of parliamentary representation in the developmental process.
  • The scheme is implemented through the nodal district concerned, ensuring local administrative coordination for effective project execution.
  • The primary objective of MPLADS is to enable Members of Parliament to recommend works of developmental nature with a focus on creating durable community assets in their constituencies.
  • The scheme encompasses 11 eligible sectors, ranging from drinking water facilities to animal care, ensuring a diverse range of developmental projects.
  • MPs are allocated 5 crore per year under MPLADS, and this fund is non-lapsable, meaning it doesn’t expire at the end of the financial year.
  • MPLADS may be combined with other existing government schemes, provided the projects are eligible.
  • The funds allocated under MPLADS are intended to be used after other funds have been exhausted to ensure the completion of the project.

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