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Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary

Why is it in the news?

  • Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary is establishing a canopy walk facility to promote eco-tourism and enhance visitor experiences.

About Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary

  • The sanctuary derives its name from “Dalma mai,” a local goddess venerated by the indigenous population.
  • Situated on the Chota Nagpur Plateau in Jharkhand, the sanctuary encompasses the Dalma hills and is contiguous with the industrial city of Jamshedpur.
  • Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary features two primary types of forests: “Dry Peninsular Sal” and “Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forest.” These forest types contribute to the rich biodiversity found within the sanctuary’s boundaries.

Flora and Fauna:

  • The sanctuary boasts a diverse array of flora, comprising both indigenous and exotic plant species. Medicinal plants like Anantmula, Satavari, Sarpgandha, among others, are found abundantly within the sanctuary.
  • Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary is renowned for its elephant population, which constitutes a significant part of its wildlife. Apart from elephants, the sanctuary harbours various other wildlife species, including barking deer, wild boar, giant squirrel, sloth bear, and numerous avian species.


  • Despite its ecological importance and biodiversity, Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary faces challenges, primarily related to human-wildlife conflict.
  • The sanctuary’s elephant population often migrates to neighbouring villages and towns during certain seasons, leading to conflicts with local communities.


About Wildlife Sanctuaries

·       Wildlife sanctuaries are designated by state governments under the Wild Life (Protection) Act of 1972, recognizing their ecological, geomorphological, and natural value.

·       Across India, wildlife sanctuaries cover approximately 122,564.86 square kilometres, representing 3.73% of the country’s total land area.

·       The country is home to a vast network of 567 wildlife sanctuaries, each playing a crucial role in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem preservation.

·       Wildlife sanctuaries are classified as IUCN Category IV protected areas, signifying their importance for the conservation of biological diversity and natural habitats.

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