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India’s Pioneering Journey in Digital Public Infrastructure: A Model for the Global South


India’s achievement of over 80% financial inclusion in just six years has been globally recognized as a transformative success, particularly for the Global South. This unprecedented progress highlights India’s leadership in using Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) to promote financial inclusion and digital access for more than a billion people. At the core of this achievement lies India Stack, an innovative set of digital platforms that have revolutionized governance, finance, and citizen services. India’s DPI success not only offers a model for other nations but also showcases a powerful blueprint for inclusive development.

What is Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)?

  • Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) refers to the digital frameworks that enable essential public and private services, including governance, commerce, and social collaboration. Much like physical infrastructure such as roads or utilities, DPIs are the foundational digital pathways that make it possible to deliver vital services to society.
  • In India, DPI has evolved into a transformative tool, fostering access to key services for all citizens. This progress has been particularly impactful in sectors like financial inclusion, where DPIs have enabled millions to access banking and payment systems, even in remote areas.

India’s Digital Public Infrastructure Success

  • At the heart of India’s DPI journey is India Stack, a set of open APIs and digital platforms designed to enhance digital identity and financial transactions. Key components of India Stack, such as Aadhaar (the national biometric identification system) and Unified Payments Interface (UPI), have simplified complex processes, allowing millions of Indians to access financial services, government programs, and other essential resources.
  • India Stack’s success lies in its reliability, scalability, and its open-source nature, making it adaptable for other nations looking to replicate similar progress. India’s experience has shown how a combination of innovative technology, public policy, and strong governance can drive rapid digital inclusion on a national scale.

Citizen Stack: The Next Evolution in DPI

  • Building on the success of India Stack, the emergence of Citizen Stack represents the next phase of India’s digital journey. Unlike India Stack, which serves as a direct provider of digital infrastructure, Citizen Stack plays a regulatory role. Supported by the Government of India, it is responsible for certifying and authenticating DPI solutions to ensure the highest levels of security, quality, and inclusivity.
  • Citizen Stack focuses on integrating technology with societal needs, ensuring that digital platforms not only work effectively but also adhere to principles of privacy, interoperability, and inclusivity. By maintaining stringent security and governance standards, Citizen Stack serves as an auditor, ensuring that digital infrastructure benefits all citizens, while protecting their rights.

Challenges in Scaling DPI

  1. Data Privacy and Security Risks: With large amounts of sensitive data being stored and shared through DPI, there is a significant risk of data breaches and unauthorized access. Robust cybersecurity measures are essential to protect citizens’ information.
  2. Digital Divide and Inclusivity: Digital literacy and internet access remain uneven across India, with marginalized communities at risk of exclusion. DPIs need to ensure they are accessible to everyone, particularly those in rural areas or those lacking digital skills.
  3. Interoperability Issues: The success of DPI depends on the seamless integration of different systems. Ensuring that legacy systems and modern platforms can work together is a complex technical challenge, but it is crucial to prevent the creation of digital monopolies.
  4. Ethical and Legal Challenges: Governance of digital platforms must adhere to ethical standards regarding data use and privacy, ensuring that citizens’ rights are respected at all times.
What is Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)? Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) refers to foundational platforms such as digital identification, payment systems, and data exchange solutions that enable countries to deliver essential services efficiently. By fostering digital inclusion, DPIs empower citizens and enhance their quality of life through streamlined access to services. The DPI Ecosystem The DPI ecosystem facilitates the flow of people, money, and information, forming the core components necessary for a functional and inclusive digital infrastructure. These components are: Flow of People: Achieved through a comprehensive digital ID system, enabling individuals to securely verify their identity for various services.  Flow of Money: Implemented via a real-time fast payment system, allowing for instant financial transactions across the economy.Flow of Information: A consent-based data-sharing system that empowers citizens by giving them control over their personal data while facilitating access to services. India Stack: A Global Leader in DPI India Stack is a set of open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allows governments, businesses, and developers to leverage India’s digital infrastructure for solving complex challenges. It aims to enable services that are presence-less, paperless, and cashless, revolutionizing service delivery in the country. India became the first nation to develop all three foundational DPIs: Digital Identity: Through Aadhaar, India’s biometric-based identification system.Real-Time Fast Payments: Enabled by the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), a widely adopted digital payment platform.Account Aggregator: Built on the Data Empowerment Protection Architecture (DEPA), which allows users to share their data securely through consent managers.

Five Principles of a “Good DPI”

To ensure that DPI remains effective, Citizen Stack has outlined five guiding principles, or “sutras,” for the development of responsible and inclusive digital infrastructure:

  1. Upholding Citizens’ Relationship with the Market and State: DPI must remain neutral and ensure that citizens’ relationships with the market and governance are balanced and free from undue influence.
  2. Safeguarding Citizen Empowerment and Privacy: Citizen data should be handled with the highest levels of security, following a consent-based approach that gives individuals control over how their information is used.
  3. Preventing Lock-In by Monopolies: Interoperability is critical to prevent citizens from being trapped in proprietary platforms. Open systems help foster competition and innovation.
  4. Techno-Legal Regulation: A combined framework of technological oversight and legal regulation ensures that innovation is ethical, secure, and aligned with citizens’ rights.
  5. Public-Private Innovation Collaboration: Collaboration between public and private sectors is essential for driving innovation, but the public interest must always take precedence over corporate gains.

Conclusion: A Scalable and Ethical Path Forward

India’s leadership in DPI development offers a transformative model for countries worldwide, particularly in the Global South. Much like yoga’s universal teachings, India’s approach to DPI is grounded in principles of inclusivity, quality, and integrity. With the evolution of Citizen Stack, India is positioning itself as a global leader in responsible, secure, and ethical digital transformation.

By sharing its experience and expertise, India is helping to create a global movement toward digital inclusion, offering a scalable path for countries to follow. Through Citizen Stack, India is not just leading the way in DPI but ensuring that this infrastructure benefits all citizens, upholds privacy and security, and fosters innovation


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