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UPSC Daily Current Affairs 13 July 2024

AMIGOS IAS Daily Current Affairs (13th July 2024)

ISRO’s plans to venture into planetary defence

GS 3: Science and Technology: Space

Why is it in the news?

  • Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman S Somanath announced plans to study the asteroid Apophis when it passes Earth at a distance of 32,000 km in 2029.
  • ISRO is considering sending its own spacecraft or collaborating with other space agencies, including National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which already has a confirmed mission.
  • This initiative marks ISRO’s entry into planetary defence, aiming to prevent potential catastrophic collisions with Earth.

More about the news

  • Apophis, discovered in 2004, initially posed a collision threat due to its size of about 450 meters. However, further observations ruled out these risks for 2029, 2036, and 2068. Despite this, Earth remains at risk from incoming asteroids, with thousands entering the atmosphere daily. Most burn up harmlessly, but larger ones can cause significant damage, as seen in the 2013 Russian incident where a 20-meter asteroid injured 1,491 people.
Chelyabinsk Meteor Explosion: In 2013, a 20-meter wide asteroid exploded 30 km above a Russian town, releasing energy 26 to 33 times that of the Hiroshima atom bomb, flattening trees, damaging buildings, and injuring 1,491 people as shock waves reached the ground.
  • Hence, a planetary defence program aims to track and neutralize such threats. In 2022, NASA successfully altered the trajectory of the asteroid Dimorphos, marking a significant step in planetary defence.
  • The approach of Apophis has generated global interest, with several missions planned to study it closely. NASA has redirected a spacecraft to approach within 4,000 km of Apophis in April 2029 and follow it for 18 months to collect data.
  • Following its successful mission to collect a sample from asteroid Bennu in September 2023, the spacecraft OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security – Regolith Explorer) was renamed as OSIRIS-APEX (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security – Apophis Explorer) to study Apophis during the asteroid’s 2029 Earth flyby.

Additional Information:

About Asteriod:

  • Asteroids, often referred to as minor planets, are rocky remnants from the early formation of our solar system approximately 4.6 billion years ago.
  • There are currently 1,379,767 known asteroids.
  • Most of them orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter within the main asteroid belt, while others are found in the Kuiper Belt, a region of icy bodies extending beyond Neptune.
  • Due to gravitational influences from planets, some asteroids can shift their orbits, potentially crossing paths with Earth and posing collision risks.
  • The total mass of all the asteroids combined is less than that of Earth’s Moon.
  • While thousands of smaller asteroids enter Earth’s atmosphere daily as meteors and meteorites, they typically burn up and do not cause significant damage. However, larger asteroids have the potential to cause mass extinctions, similar to the event hypothesized to have led to the demise of dinosaurs. The 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor explosion serves as a notable example, demonstrating the destructive capability of even moderately sized asteroids.

About Apophis Asteroid:

  • Apophis is an asteroid about 450 meters wide that crosses Earth’s orbit.
  • It completes an orbit around the Sun in about 0.9 years, placing it in the ‘Atens’ group of Earth-crossing asteroids with orbits smaller than Earth’s.
  • Apophis is an S-type, or stony-type asteroid, composed of silicate materials and a mix of metallic nickel and iron.
  • It is a remnant from the early solar system, about 4.6 billion years old, originating in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
  • Over millions of years, its orbit shifted closer to Earth, making it a near-Earth asteroid.

Overview on Planetary Defence Systems :

  • Definition: Planetary defense involves efforts to monitor and protect Earth from potential threats posed by asteroids, comets, and other space objects.
  • Planetary Defense Systems: These systems work to identify potentially harmful Near Earth Objects (NEOs). Although no major threats have been identified or addressed yet, organizations like NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) are preparing to redirect or destroy dangerous objects if necessary.
  • Asteroid Deflection Techniques:
  • Kinetic Impactor: This technique involves slamming a spacecraft into an asteroid to alter its trajectory. It is the only planetary defense method tested on an actual asteroid. In 2022, NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) intentionally crashed into the asteroid moon Dimorphos, changing its orbit around the parent asteroid Didymos by 33 minutes.
  • Gravity Tractor: A spacecraft would fly alongside an asteroid, using its gravity to slowly change the asteroid’s trajectory. This method offers the greatest control, allowing for precise redirection away from Earth.
  • Laser Ablation Technique: This technique envisions using one or more spacecraft to focus lasers on an asteroid’s surface, vaporizing rock and creating small ejecta plumes. These plumes would push the asteroid, gradually altering its course.
  • Nuclear Blast: This method involves firing a nuclear-laden spacecraft at an asteroid to deflect it away from Earth.
  • Need for Planetary Defense:
  • Threat from Undetected Asteroids: The 2013 Russian asteroid was detected only after entering the atmosphere due to the Sun’s glare. This event prompted the need for a Planetary Defense mission.
  • Track and Neutralize: Scientists know of at least 1.3 million asteroids, but there could be more unknown threats. A planetary defense program is essential to track and neutralize these dangers.
  • These techniques are being developed and refined to ensure Earth can be protected from potential space threats in the future.

ISRO’s Involvement in Asteroid Missions:

  • Joint  Apophis Asteroid Mission: ISRO plans to collaborate on the Joint Apophis Asteroid Mission with JAXA, ESA, and NASA, possibly contributing instruments. Their goal is to learn and expand their knowledge base through international missions and support.
  • ISRO aims to position India for asteroid missions, including planetary defence actions, to establish itself as a leading space-faring nation.
  • Learnings frpm DART: NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) successfully altered the orbit of asteroid Dimorphos, demonstrating asteroid deflection technology for the first time.
  • Subsequent Mission: ESA’s Hera mission, launching in 2024, will survey the aftermath of DART’s impact on Dimorphos.
  • Future Plans:NASA’s upcoming NEO Surveyor mission will enhance asteroid detection by pinpointing 90% of near-Earth objects with diameters of at least 140 meters within the next decade.

NITI Aayog report shows improved progress on SDGs

GS 2: Polity and Governance: SDGs

Why is it in the news?

  • The NITI Aayog’s fourth evaluation report on India’s progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reveals significant improvement, with India scoring 71 out of 100 compared to 57 in 2018.

More about the news

  • B.V.R. Subrahmanyam, CEO of NITI Aayog, highlighted the SDG gains in poverty reduction and hunger alleviation, while emphasizing the need for continued efforts in improving nutrition quality.
  • Health conditions have improved due to enhanced public health measures and expanded insurance coverage, while education benefits from high teacher-student ratios, though teacher quality requires focused attention.
  • The report identifies income and gender inequality as areas with declining scores, citing challenges like skewed sex ratios at birth and disparities in women’s land ownership and employment. There was a slight decline in the ratio of women’s earnings relative to men, from 0.75 to 0.73.
  • Subrahmanyam praised progress in achieving the “clean water and sanitation” SDG, crediting initiatives such as Swachh Bharat Mission and piped water projects. He also noted near-complete electrification as a positive indicator for clean and affordable energy goals.
  • On the SDG for peace, justice, and strong institutions, Subrahmanyam highlighted India’s foundation in rule of law, supported by high Aadhaar enrolment rates.
  • The report precedes the upcoming High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development scheduled under U.N. auspices in New York on July 18.
For further information refer article on 5/07/2024 : SDGs – National Indicator Framework Progress Report, 2024.

Centre declares June 25 as ‘Samvidhaan Hatya Diwas’

GS 2: Miscellaneous

Why is it in the news?

  • The Union government, led by Home Minister Amit Shah, has designated June 25 as ‘Samvidhaan Hatya Diwas’ to commemorate the imposition of the Emergency in 1975.
  • This decision aims to honour those who endured hardships during this period, emphasizing the importance of preserving individual freedom and democracy.
On June 25, 2024, India observed the 49th anniversary of the declaration of the national emergency.

More about the news

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi echoed this sentiment, highlighting the day as a reminder of the consequences of undermining the Indian Constitution.
  • He also paid tribute to those who suffered during what he termed as a dark phase in Indian history unleashed by the Congress.
  • The gazette notification accompanying the decision acknowledged the abuses of power during the Emergency, emphasizing the resilience of India’s democracy and reaffirming a commitment to prevent future authoritarian actions.
  • Home Minister Amit Shah defended the government’s stance, asserting that the observance of ‘Samvidhaan Hatya Diwas’ would ensure that the spirit of democracy and individual freedom remains alive in every Indian, aiming to prevent any recurrence of such dictatorial actions.

Food inflation hits 9.4%; retail price rise rebounds to 5.1%

GS 3: Economy: Food inflation

Why is it in the news?

  • In June, food inflation in India surged to a six-month high of 9.4%, driven by increased prices of vegetables, cereals, and fruits. This rise pushed the overall retail inflation rate to a four-month high of 5.08%, up from 4.8% in May.

More about the news

  • Rural areas experienced a higher inflation rate of 5.66%, compared to 5.3% in the previous month, while urban inflation rose to 4.4% from 4.2% in May. Urban consumers faced a sharper food inflation of 9.55%, slightly higher than the 9.2% observed in rural regions.
  • Despite retail inflation staying below 6% since September 2023, it remains above the Reserve Bank of India’s target of 4%.
  • This latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report for June suggests that hopes for an interest rate cut in the near term are dim, as the central bank awaits a sustained return to its inflation target.

Additional Information:

About Retail Inflation:

  • Retail inflation, also known as Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation, measures the change in retail prices of goods and services that households buy for daily consumption.
  • The CPI is calculated based on a fixed basket of goods and services, which the government may update periodically.
  • CPI is calculated as a percentage by comparing the general price level in a specific period to a past timeframe, known as the base year (current base year is 2012).
  • Formula :  CPI = (Cost of a Fixed Basket of Goods and Services in the Current Year/Cost of a Fixed Basket of Goods and Services in the Base Year) * 100
  • The National Statistical Office (NSO), under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), compiles CPI for Rural, Urban, and Combined sectors. CPI numbers are released monthly for both All India and state-wise categories.
  • The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is used as a macroeconomic indicator of inflation, a tool for inflation targeting and price stability, a deflator in national accounts, and to assess the real value of salaries, wages, pensions, and the purchasing power of the nation’s currency.

Exercise Pitch Black 2024

GS 3: Defence

Why is it in the news?

  • Exercise Pitch Black 2024, hosted biennially by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in Darwin, Australia, has recently commenced with the arrival of an Indian Air Force (IAF) contingent.
  • The name ‘Pitch Black’ originates from the focus on nighttime flying over vast, unpopulated areas.
  • The Indian contingent comprises over 150 skilled Air Warriors, including pilots, engineers, technicians, and controllers.
  • Previous Participation of India: The Indian Air Force participated in the 2018 and 2022 editions of the exercise.

More about the news:

  • This year’s edition, from July 12 to August 2, 2024, involves 20 countries, over 140 aircraft, and 4400 military personnel.
  • The exercise emphasizes Large Force Employment tactics, with a focus on nighttime operations over expansive, uninhabited areas, providing the Indian Air Force an opportunity for force integration and mutual exchange of best practices with participating nations.
  • It aims to enhance international cooperation and operational readiness by integrating the IAF’s Su-30 MKI with advanced fighter aircraft like the F-35, F-22, F-18, F-15, Gripen, and Typhoon.
  • Significance: The exercise enhances the ability of participating nations to deploy over long distances, support integrated operations in the Indo-Pacific, and build strong aviation partnerships in a challenging environment.

GRSE Accelerated Innovation Nurturing Scheme (GAINS 2024)

GS 3: Miscellaneous

Why is it in the news?

  • The GRSE Accelerated Innovation Nurturing Scheme (GAINS 2024) was launched by Raksha Rajya Mantri Shri Sanjay Seth.
  • The initiative is a collaboration between the Defence Ministry and Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE) in Kolkata.

More about the news

  • GAINS 2024 aims to tackle challenges faced by shipyards while fostering the development of technology through startups operating in India.
  • Aligned with the ‘Make in India’ and ‘Start-up India’ initiatives, the scheme particularly encourages Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and startups to innovate and contribute to advancements in ship design and construction.
  • The primary objective of GAINS is to enhance technological capabilities in defense manufacturing, thereby bolstering maritime security and air defense.
  • By supporting indigenous innovation, the scheme plays a crucial role in achieving self-reliance in defense production and improving the operational readiness of the armed forces.

Additional Information:

Various Defense Production Indigenization Initiatives in India:

  • ADITI Scheme (2024): Aims to develop around 30 deep-tech critical and strategic technologies within the proposed timeframe.
  • The Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP) has been established in 2020 as a potential catalyst for the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan, in the sector of defence manufacturing.
  • SRIJAN Portal: It is a one stop shop online portal that provides access to the vendors to take up items for indigenization.
  • Liberalized Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy:The policy allows 74% FDI under the automatic route in the defense industry. It permits up to 100% FDI through the government route for access to modern technology.
  • Mission DefSpace: This mission promotes defense-related innovations and developments in the space sector.
  • Innovations for Defense Excellence (iDEX) Scheme: The iDEX scheme involves startups and MSMEs in defense innovation projects. It fosters their participation and contribution to the defense sector.

Make in India Programme:

  • Launched in 2014, Make in India aims to transform the country into a leading global manufacturing and investment destination.
  • It is led by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • The initiative invites potential investors and partners worldwide to participate in the growth of ‘New India.

Startup India:

  • Launched on 16th January 2016, Startup India aims to foster a robust and inclusive ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • This flagship initiative by the Government of India seeks to drive economic growth and generate large-scale employment opportunities.
  • It is organized by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade.

India’s Role in the 132nd IMO Council Session in London

GS 2: International Organizations: IMO

Why is it in the news?

  • Recently, India actively participated in the 132nd session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council in London.
  • As an elected member representing countries with significant interests in international seaborne trade, India emphasized critical issues during the session, particularly highlighting the urgent matter of seafarer abandonment.

More about the news:

  • India, alongside other proposed members such as the Philippines, Thailand, Liberia, Panama, Greece, the US, and France, addressed the ongoing crisis involving 44 active cases of seafarer abandonment affecting 292 Indian seafarers.
  • Notably, India’s involvement in the Joint Tripartite Working Group at the IMO, comprising eight nations, focuses on enhancing the human element in maritime operations and addressing seafarer welfare.
  • Additionally, India’s delegation discussed maritime security initiatives, underscoring recent challenges in regions like the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
  • They highlighted successful missions by the Indian Navy, including the rescue of MV Marlyn Luanda and interception of MV Ruen to combat piracy and ensure crew safety.
  • Furthermore, India reiterated its proposal for establishing the South Asian Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Maritime Transport (SACE-SMarT). This initiative aims to lead the maritime sector’s transformation in South Asia through technological advancements, sustainability measures, and digital innovation. Some of the key objectives include reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing regional maritime capabilities.

Additional Information:

About International Maritime Organisation (IMO):

  • Established in 1948 as the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO), it became a UN specialized agency in 1959 and was renamed the International Maritime Organization in 1982.
  • Currently, the IMO has 176 member states actively participating in its initiatives.
  • India joined the IMO in 1959.
  • Headquarters: Located in London.
  •  IMO is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of shipping and preventing marine and atmospheric pollution from ships.
  • Role:
  • It plays a crucial role in achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, which focuses on conserving and sustainably using oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.
  • The IMO sets international policies and regulations governing safety, security, and environmental practices in shipping.
  • While it establishes these standards, enforcement is the responsibility of member states, who adopt IMO policies as national laws.
  • In addition to regulatory functions, the IMO addresses legal issues such as liability, compensation, and the facilitation of international maritime traffic.
  • The mission of the IMO is to promote safe, secure, environmentally sound, efficient and sustainable shipping through cooperation.
  • Structure of the IMO:
  • Assembly: The highest governing body comprising all Member States, meeting biennially to approve the work program, vote on the budget, and elect the Council.
  • Council: The executive body supervising IMO’s activities under the Assembly’s oversight.
  • Committees: Five policy-making committees develop, review, update, and approve guidelines and regulations.
  • Funding: Provided by member state contributions, voluntary donations, and commercial activities.
  • India’s Engagement with IMO:
  • India holds Category B status on the IMO Council, underscoring its steadfast engagement in maritime affairs.
  • Vision 2030 aims to bolster India’s representation by appointing permanent representatives in IMO London.
  • The Amrit Kaal Vision 2047 outlines ambitions to enhance India’s global maritime influence, including establishing an IMO cell, appointing permanent representative at IMO headquarters and implementing the BIMSTEC Master Plan.
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