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UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List

Why is it in the news?

  • On December 6, UNESCO included Gujarat’s traditional dance form ‘Garba’ in its Intangible Cultural Heritage list, recognizing its cultural significance.
  • Included under the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.


About Garba

  • Recognized as a ritualistic and devotional dance performed in Gujarat and across India.
  • Celebrated for nine days during Navaratri.
  • Dedicated to the worship of feminine energy or Shakti. Expresses feminine energy through cultural, performative, and visual expressions.
Other Inscriptions on UNESCO List

·       Rickshaws and Rickshaw painting in Dhaka (Bangladesh).

·       Songkran in Thailand (traditional Thai New Year festival).

·       Hiragasy in Madagascar (performing art of the Central Highlands).

·       Junkanoo in the Bahamas.

·       Procession and celebrations of Prophet Mohammed’s birthday in Sudan, among others.


Current UNESCO List

·       704 elements from 143 countries and 5 regions.

·       Represents the diversity of intangible heritage globally.

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