Why is it in the news?
- The report demonstrates potential and pathways to achieve near-zero emissions from cooling.
More about the news
- Cooling systems contribute significantly to climate change, acting as a dual threat. Firstly, they escalate the demand for power, leading to increased carbon emissions. Secondly, the release of refrigerant gases from cooling equipment contributes to global warming.
- Emissions from cooling are projected to surpass 10% of global emissions by the year 2050.
- In 2022, a substantial 82% of global cooling-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions originated from G20 countries.
- If the current trajectory is maintained, the installed capacity of cooling equipment worldwide is expected to triple by 2050.
- The dual impact of increased power demand and the emission of refrigerant gases makes cooling a significant contributor to climate change.
- The anticipated emissions from cooling, exceeding 10% of global emissions by 2050, pose a serious challenge to climate change mitigation efforts.
- Implement passive strategies to mitigate extreme heat conditions, reducing the reliance on active cooling measures.
- Deploy strategies to decrease cooling demand in both buildings and the cold chain, emphasizing energy-efficient design and practices.
- Establish and enforce higher energy efficiency standards and norms for cooling equipment globally.
- Advocate for a faster phase-down of climate-warming hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants, surpassing the requirements set by the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.
- The Global Cooling Pledge, issued with COP28, provides a strong political impetus for immediate actions. Encourages global efforts to reduce emissions, enhance passive cooling strategies, improve energy efficiency, and expedite the phase-down of HFCs.
Indian Initiatives
· India Cooling Action Plan (2019): Aims to reduce cooling demand by 20-25% and refrigerant demand by 25-30% by the fiscal year 2037-38. · Recognizes ‘cooling and related areas’ as a crucial focus of research under the national Science and Technology (S&T) Programme. |