Why is it in the news?
- Adopted during United Nations Environment Assembly-sixth session (UNEA-6), the resolution on Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles is spearheaded by India’s Mission LiFE initiative, with co-sponsorship from Sri Lanka and Bolivia.
More about the news
- The resolution emphasizes the pivotal role of behavioural changes in achieving sustainable development goals, recognizing the importance of altering consumption and production patterns.
- It acknowledges the groundwork laid by the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Patterns, which was adopted at Rio+20 in 2012, as a guiding framework for sustainable practices.
The resolution encompasses six key programs focused on sustainability across various sectors:
1) Public Procurement
2) Consumer Information for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP)
3) Tourism
4) Lifestyles and Education
5) Buildings and Construction
6) Food Systems
- These programs are designed to address different aspects of sustainability and are implemented by the One Planet Network, indicating a comprehensive approach to fostering sustainable practices.
Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment)
· Introduced by India at UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow, Mission LiFE aims to instigate individual and community-level actions to protect and preserve the environment. It operates through three distinct phases: · Change in Demand: Focused on encouraging individuals to adopt simple yet impactful environmentally friendly actions in their daily lives. · Change in Supply: Targeting industries and markets to adapt swiftly to the increasing demand for sustainable products and services. · Change in Policy: Advocating for government and industrial policies that support Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) practices. UNEA (United Nations Environment Assembly) · Established in 2012 following Rio+20, UNEA serves as the highest-level decision-making body on environmental matters, governing the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). · Conducting biennial meetings in Nairobi, Kenya, UNEA provides a platform for global collaboration and action on pressing environmental issues. · At UNEA-6, a Ministerial Declaration was adopted to address the triple planetary crisis encompassing climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, pollution, and waste.