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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the future of Human Labour

Why is it in the news?

  • Elon Musk, a prominent figure in the tech industry, has highlighted the disruptive potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI). He envisions a future where AI could potentially replace all forms of human labour.
  • It’s important to note that Musk’s vision of AI entirely replacing human labour implies a level of AI development where machines have achieved self-awareness, a concept that remains speculative and controversial in the field of AI.


Theories of the Nature of Work

·       John Maynard Keynes, a renowned economist, viewed work as a form of drudgery. He believed that reducing working hours through technological advancements would increase overall welfare. Keynes theorized that technological changes under capitalism would eventually lead to a reduction in working hours.

·       Karl Marx, a philosopher and economist, had a more nuanced perspective on work. He believed that the essence of humanity lies in our ability to materially manipulate nature, and work provides meaning to human life. Marx’s ideal state is not one where AI replaces human labour but where individuals can utilize AI to enhance and elevate their work without it being appropriated by others.



The Impact of AI on the Economy

  • The potential impact of AI on the economy is significant. If AI advances to the point where it can replace all forms of labour, it would create a world where individuals who cannot find work may struggle to access basic resources.
  • This scenario would require a shift in institutional arrangements governing production and distribution, potentially involving the widespread adoption of a universal basic income as a primary source of income rather than traditional wage labour.


Advantages of AI Replacing Human Labor

  • AI systems perform tasks with speed and precision, boosting overall efficiency and productivity.
  • Once deployed, AI operates without breaks or benefits, leading to long-term cost savings.
  • AI can work in dangerous conditions, protecting human workers from harm.
  • AI operates round the clock without the need for rest or shift changes.
  • AI maintains high levels of precision and consistency in task execution.
  • Widespread AI adoption can drive economic growth and foster innovation, creating new industries.
  • AI excels at handling repetitive and monotonous tasks, relieving humans from such workloads.
  • AI aids decision-making by analysing complex data sets in fields like finance and healthcare.


Concerns Regarding AI Replacing Human Labor

  • AI implementation may result in job loss, causing economic and social challenges.
  • Human workers contribute skills, creativity, and emotional intelligence that AI struggles to replicate.
  • AI benefits may not be evenly distributed, leading to increased economic inequality.
  • Overreliance on AI can lead to vulnerability in the face of system failures, cyber threats, or technical glitches.
  • AI systems may inherit and perpetuate biases from their training data.
  • Increased automation could lead to the loss of traditional skills not easily transferable to other industries.
  • Rapid AI adoption in specific industries may lead to economic downturns in regions heavily dependent on those industries, posing challenges for transition.


  • The world economy is on the cusp of significant disruptions due to the advancements in AI technology. Understanding the nature of these challenges and opportunities is imperative.
  • It’s essential to recognize that the impact of technological innovations, such as AI, cannot be viewed in isolation from prevailing economic institutions and societal contexts.
  • The overarching goal should be to harness the advantages of AI while proactively mitigating potential negative consequences for workers and society as a whole.
  • Achieving this balance may require investments in education and workforce development, the establishment of ethical guidelines for AI deployment, and thoughtful policy-making that considers the broader societal implications of AI adoption.

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