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Sweden joins Artemis Accords

Why is it in the news?

  • Sweden and Slovenia recently joined the Artemis Accords, becoming the 38th and 39th signatories respectively.

About Artemis Accords

  • The Artemis Accords are a set of non-legally binding principles and guidelines for international cooperation in space exploration, announced by NASA in 2020.
  • Named after NASA’s Artemis program, the accords aim to return humans to the Moon by the mid-2020s.
  • They reflect principles outlined in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, governing international cooperation in space.
  • Key principles of the Artemis Accords include peaceful exploration, transparency, interoperability, emergency assistance, registration of space objects, heritage preservation, space resource utilization, deconfliction of activities, and orbital debris management.
  • Signatories commit to conducting space activities for peaceful purposes, releasing scientific information publicly, developing interoperable systems, assisting personnel in distress, determining space object registration, preserving space heritage, utilizing space resources sustainably, avoiding harmful interference, and disposing of orbital debris safely.
  • Members: Artemis Accords has 39 members including Australia, France, Germany, India (joined in 2023), Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America etc. Russia and China are not part of the Artemis Accords.

Significance of Artemis Accords for India

  • Collaboration with NASA: Participation in the Artemis Accords facilitates advanced training for ISRO astronauts by NASA, paving the way for joint efforts in space missions, including potential ventures to the International Space Station (ISS).
  • Global Space Power Vision: India’s involvement in the Artemis Accords is pivotal for its aspiration to establish itself as a significant global space power, enhancing its prestige and influence in the space community.
  • Space Exploration Ambitions: The Artemis Accords support India’s space exploration ambitions by fostering international collaboration, promoting the open sharing of scientific data, and encouraging mutual assistance among signatory nations.
  • Technology Transfer Opportunities: Membership in the Artemis Accords could potentially alleviate technology transfer barriers between India and the US, facilitating the exchange of expertise and resources for mutual benefit.
  • Commitment to Global Space Cooperation: India’s participation in the Artemis Accords underscores its dedication to global space cooperation and its eagerness to engage in lunar exploration missions alongside other space-faring nations.
  • Knowledge and Expertise Sharing: Collaboration within the accords enables India to share and acquire knowledge and expertise, accelerating scientific research, technological innovation, and humanity’s expansion into space.
  • Enhanced International Cooperation: By joining the Artemis Accords, India signals its willingness to collaborate internationally and explore new frontiers in space, fostering partnerships and opening up opportunities for Indian companies in the global space market.
·       The Artemis program comprises multiple missions aimed at returning humans to the Moon, with the ultimate goal of establishing a sustainable presence there.

·       Artemis-I (2022): The first mission of the program involved launching NASA’s spacecraft Orion using its indigenously built super heavy-lift launch vehicle (SLS) directly to the Moon on a single mission. This was an uncrewed mission.

·       Artemis-II: The second mission, Artemis-II, will feature a crew of four astronauts aboard the SLS. They will perform multiple manoeuvres on an expanding orbit around the Earth.

·       Artemis-III: The third mission, Artemis-III, involves a four-member crew landing on the Moon. During their week-long stay, they will conduct lunar exploration activities before performing a lunar flyby and returning to Earth.



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