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NITI Aayog: Report on ‘Senior Care Reforms in India – Reimagining the Senior Care Paradigm: A Position Paper’

Why is it in the news?

  • “NITI Aayog’s ‘Senior Care Reforms in India’ report aims to revolutionize senior care by reimagining the existing paradigm.”

More about the news

  • The report provides an in-depth analysis of the current landscape of senior care services in India.
  • It identifies gaps and challenges within the existing senior care ecosystem.
  • The primary focus is on understanding and addressing the evolving medical and non-medical needs of seniors.

Status of Elderly in India

  • The elderly population in India constitutes approximately 10% of the total population, and this figure is projected to rise significantly to 5% by the year 2050.
  • A staggering 75% of the elderly population suffers from one or more chronic diseases, indicating a pressing need for comprehensive healthcare services.
  • Moreover, a significant portion of the elderly, around 70%, depends on others for everyday maintenance, highlighting the importance of supportive services and care infrastructure.
  • Alarmingly, 78% of the elderly population is devoid of any pension cover, which underscores the economic vulnerability of this demographic.

 Key Challenges and Recommendations highlighted in the Report

Dimension Challenges Recommendations
Health ·       Lack of comprehensive and integrated healthcare services tailored to the specific needs of the elderly. ·       Prioritize preventive interventions such as adult immunization to mitigate the burden of chronic diseases.
·       Shortage of trained healthcare professionals specializing in geriatric care. ·       Ensure the availability of palliative and long-term healthcare services to improve the quality of life for seniors.
·       Absence of an evidence-backed repository for geriatric diseases knowledge. ·       Promote research and development initiatives in geriatric care to address the unique healthcare challenges faced by the elderly population.
Social ·       Fragmented and narrow social support systems, exacerbated by changing family structures and dynamics. ·       Establish a comprehensive social security system that guarantees financial and social support for seniors.
·       Neglect of the invaluable contributions made by caregivers and care workers in supporting the elderly. ·       Foster community-based support networks to combat social isolation and promote a sense of belonging among the elderly.
·       Strengthen assisted living facilities to provide a conducive environment for seniors requiring additional care and assistance.
Economic ·       Insufficient financial literacy among the elderly population, hindering effective financial planning for retirement. ·       Create opportunities for the utilization of the experience and expertise of seniors through occupational programs and initiatives.
·       Lack of adequate support mechanisms for lifetime financial planning. ·       Design specialized health insurance products tailored to the specific needs of the elderly population.
·       Instances of financial abuse and fraud targeting vulnerable seniors. ·       Implement measures to enhance financial literacy among seniors and safeguard them against financial exploitation.
Digital ·       Limited access to digital goods and services, thereby excluding many seniors from the digital landscape. ·       Enhance the ease and safety of digital operations to encourage greater digital adoption among seniors.
·       Inadequate availability of digital training modules catering to the unique needs and preferences of the elderly. ·       Develop enabling digital infrastructure that is accessible and user-friendly for seniors.
·       Provide comprehensive digital literacy programs to equip seniors with the necessary skills to navigate the digital world effectively.

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