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IOM’s Report: A Decade of Documenting Migrant Deaths

Why is it in the news?

  • The International Organization for Migration (IOM) released a report titled “A Decade of Documenting Migrant Deaths” on the completion of ten years of its Missing Migrants Project (MMP), launched in 2014 to document deaths and disappearances of people in migration towards international destinations.
·       IOM, established in 1951, is a leading intergovernmental organization in the field of migration, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and comprising 175 member states, including India.

Key findings of the Report

  • More than one in three migrants whose country of origin could be identified come from countries in conflict, and over two-thirds of those whose deaths were documented through IOM’s MMP remain unidentified.
  • Major causes of migrant deaths include drowning, vehicle accidents, suffocation due to fuel inhalation, inadequate shelter, healthcare, etc.
About Migration

·       Migration refers to the movement of persons away from their place of usual residence, either across an international border or within a state, driven by factors such as urbanization, marriage, economic disparities, political instability, and impacts of climate change.

·       Consequences of migration include the intermixing of diverse cultures, overcrowding in cities leading to haphazard growth and slum development, changes in resource-population ratio, and brain drain as skilled individuals migrate from poorer to developed countries for better economic opportunities.

·       Initiatives related to migration include the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), the first intergovernmental agreement prepared under the United Nations to cover all dimensions of international migration holistically.

·       In India, welfare measures in destination countries such as the Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana and pre-departure orientation training are provided to better prepare migrants for their life abroad and raise awareness of their rights and duties.


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