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India Infrastructure Report 2023

Why is it in the news?

  • The India Infrastructure Report 2023, focused on Urban Planning and Development, was recently released,
  • The report is a collaborative effort of the IDFC Foundation, Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Ltd. (iDeCK), and the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA).

Key Highlights of the Report

  • Emphasizes the transformative potential of digital technology in shaping India’s urban landscape.
  • Focuses on ‘smart cities’ and the importance of performance ranking criteria.
  • Examines the financial aspects of urban development. Special emphasis on public-private partnerships (PPPs), financial sustainability of urban local bodies, and the efficacy of municipal bonds as financing instruments.
  • Addresses urban transportation planning and urban redevelopment as vital components of effective urban governance.
  • Highlights transit-oriented development, efficient urban goods movement, and regulations for floor space and land prices in India.
National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)

·       Central Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, established in 1976.

·       Functions as a national think-tank, conducting multi-disciplinary research, knowledge exchange, capacity development, policy planning, and advocacy in the field of urban development.

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