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Government Directive on Ethanol Production

Why is it in the news?

  • The Government has banned using ‘sugarcane juice and sugar syrup’ for ethanol production for the 2023-24 supply year.
  • Directive has been issued as per the Sugar (Control) Order 1966, granting the government the power to regulate sugar production and sales.
  • The decision aimed at maintaining adequate domestic sugar availability and ensuring price stability.

More about the news

  • Molasses, a sugar-rich byproduct of sugar extraction, comes in different types such as A, B, and C molasses based on the extraction stage.
  • The government permits the use of ‘B-molasses’ for ethanol production.
  • Cane tops, bagasse, and filter muds are additional byproducts generated by the sugarcane industry.


Ethanol as a Biofuel (Initiatives)

·       Ethanol is a principal biofuel naturally produced by the fermentation of sugars or via petrochemical processes like ethylene hydration.

·       National Policy on Biofuels – 2018: Enacted to facilitate the availability of biofuels in the market, increasing the blending percentage. It is part of the government’s efforts to promote cleaner energy alternatives.

·       Ethanol Blending Program: Targets 20 percent ethanol blending in petrol by 2025; Aims to reduce dependence on traditional fossil fuels and promote the use of biofuels.

·       PM JI-VAN YOJANA: Government initiative providing financial support for setting up second-generation (2G) ethanol projects. Encourages the development and implementation of advanced ethanol production technologies.

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