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Code to Check Unethical Drug Practices

Why is it in the news?

  • The Union government introduces a code to promote pharmaceutical products while combating unethical practices within the sector.


Uniform Code for Pharmaceuticals Marketing Practices (UCPMP) 2024

  • Ensures that drugs are only promoted after obtaining marketing approval, preventing the dissemination of misleading information.
  • Mandates that terms like ‘safe’ must be used with appropriate qualifications, preventing the exaggeration of drug efficacy.
  • Limits the distribution of free drug samples to qualified healthcare professionals, preventing indiscriminate distribution and potential misuse.
  • Prohibits healthcare professionals from accepting gifts or benefits from pharmaceutical companies except for educational purposes, reducing the influence of financial incentives on prescribing behaviour.
  • Restricts the use of brand names of products from other companies in promotional material without prior consent, ensuring fair competition and preventing misleading comparisons.
  • Sets a value limit on informational and educational materials provided by pharmaceutical companies, preventing excessive influence through lavish gifts.
  • Mandates the establishment of Ethics Committees for Pharma Marketing Practices to handle complaints and ensure adherence to ethical standards.


Pharma-Doctor Nexus

·       Highlights the longstanding practice of pharmaceutical companies offering gifts, cash, or other benefits to medical professionals in exchange for prescribing their products.

·       Acknowledges judicial recognition of the issue, with cases like the ‘Dolo’ antipyretic drug emphasizing the seriousness of excessive spending on marketing.



Challenges Associated with the Pharma-Doctor Nexus

  • Raises concerns about the potential conflict of interest when doctors receive benefits for prescribing specific drugs, potentially compromising patient care.
  • Highlights the risk of eroding patient trust if they perceive their doctors’ decisions to be influenced by pharmaceutical companies rather than solely based on medical need.
  • Discusses the potential economic implications of prescribing more expensive medications due to ties with pharmaceutical companies, potentially leading to increased healthcare costs.
  • Emphasizes the importance of upholding professional ethics and integrity, with acceptance of gifts potentially being viewed as a breach of these standards.
  • Points out the legal and professional consequences associated with violating guidelines set by regulatory bodies like the Medical Council of India (MCI).
  • Considers the broader impact on the public’s perception of the healthcare profession, which may suffer if a cozy relationship between doctors and pharmaceutical companies is perceived.

Measure taken by the Government

  • MCI Guidelines: Discusses guidelines issued by the Medical Council of India (MCI) aimed at maintaining professional independence and integrity among medical practitioners, particularly regarding gifts and benefits.
  • NPPA Oversight: Highlights the role of the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) in regulating drug prices and ensuring fair trade practices within the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Collaboration with Professional Bodies: Indicates collaboration with professional medical associations and bodies to develop and implement ethical guidelines addressing concerns related to interactions between doctors and pharmaceutical companies.
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

·       The Indian pharmaceutical industry ranks as the third-largest globally by volume, indicating its substantial production capacity and market presence.

·       Currently valued at around USD 50 billion, the Indian pharmaceutical market demonstrates significant economic importance and growth potential.

·       India leads as the world’s largest exporter of generic drugs, with pharmaceutical exports surpassing 25 billion U.S. dollars in the fiscal year 2023, highlighting its global competitiveness.

·       Projections from the Indian Economic Survey 2021 anticipate substantial expansion, with the pharmaceutical industry expected to reach a market size of USD 120-130 billion by 2030, signalling promising growth prospects.


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